
Businesses which stock up goods to sell to there customers online or offline


Using the Inventory module enables you to view, manage, and edit inventory related data within Tulsi. From this module you can create, manage and edit;

Audit your inventory :

You can also generate list using your data to ;

Inventory module checklist

The following lists items that you need to consider when using the Inventory module;

Manage Stocks all in one place

Tulsi is setup like a production line, it flows from left to right through the business process, covering all the steps along the way. You can make a variety of inventory transactions quickly and easily in Tulsi. These range from making stock adjustments, creating and viewing plus revaluing stock. You can find sales transaction function via Sales | Inventory tab. Within this menu you can perform the following transactions.

Performing stock takes

The unique benefit of using the Inventory Management module is that ability to perform stock takes. Tulsi allows you to create perpetual stock counts and enter in perpetual stock count entries.

Inventory First In First Out Report

Generate report to see how your products (especially products with diminishing value over time) are sold as per there

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